16th Annual Living With Epilepsy: Life Without Limits Event

The Duke Comprehensive Epilepsy Center (DCEC) is hosting its 16th annual symposium for patients living with epilepsy, their loved ones, and caregivers, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm ET on Saturday, November 12th, 2022.
November 12th 2022 at 9AM
9:00AM-9:10AM Welcome and introduction by Dr. Aatif M. Husain
9:10AM-9:35AM Self-care for PWE by Dr. Vishal A. Mandge
9:35AM-10:00AM Special considerations for children with epilepsy by Dr. Daniel Kenney-Jung
10:00AM-10:25AM Emotional health and epilepsy by Dr. Jill Z. Stuart
10:25AM-10:35AM Break
10:35AM-11:00AM New medications for epilepsy by Dr. Tung T. Tran
11:00AM-11:25AM Brain surgery for epilepsy by Dr. Matthew Vestal
11:25AM-12:00PM Brain stimulation to treat epilepsy by Dr. Prachi T. Parikh
12:00PM-12:25PM The future of epilepsy treatments by Dr. Muhammad Zafar
12:25PM-1:00PM Roundtable discussion with Faculty Register