Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The Duke Department of Neurology recognizes that an equitable, diverse, and inclusive community – including its clinicians, researchers, trainees, leadership, and staff – is a necessary part of its mission of world-class patient care, education, and research.
Fellowship Programs

The Duke Department of Neurology offers advanced fellowship programs in eight subspecialties of neurology. These programs offer trained neurologists the opportunity to become clinical and research experts in their field of choice.
General and Community Neurology

The division of General and Community Neurology provides most of the general neurology care at Duke.
Headache and Pain
Chronic or recurring headaches and head pain cause pain and other devastating effects on quality of life and day-to-day living. The Duke Neurology Headache division is dedicated to helping patients find relief from both of these areas.
Hospital Neurology

Neurological conditions do not occur in a vacuum. A patient hospitalized for a heart attack may suddenly have a stroke. A patient with a metastatic tumor could suddenly start having a seizure.
Lab and Translational Research

The Duke Department of Neurology conducts basic research and translational rese
Memory Disorders
Most people have occasional memory lapses. Often the problem is a normal consequence of stress or aging.
Multiple Sclerosis & Neuroimmunology

Members of our Division of Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology provides excellent patient care as well as clinical and basic research concerning immune diseases of the central nervous system.
Neurocritical Care

Our Division of Neurocritical Care faculty includes 14 intensivists, all of whom are boarded in Neurocritical Care by the United Council of Medical Subspecialties; many also hold concurrent areas of specialization such as vascular neurology, neuroanesthesiology,
Parkinson's Disease And Movement Disorders

The division of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders consists of an interdisciplinary group of neurological specialists who provide comprehensive specialty and subspecialty care. Our clinic is located in the Duke Health Center at 932 Morreene Road, NC 27705.
Residency Program

Our residency program provides excellent training in all areas of general and sub-specialty neurology.
Translational Brain Sciences