Liberation Psychology: Healing Wounds of Racism

April 21, 2022
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Event sponsored by:

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Neurology
School of Medicine (SOM)


Lefebvre, Cathy


Thema Bryant-Davis, PhD, M.Div


Thema Bryant-Davis, PhD, M.Div.
Sponsored by the Hans Lowenbach Memorial Fund Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis is a clinical psychologist and president-elect of the American Psychological Association. She is also a professor of psychology at Pepperdine University and director of the Culture and Trauma Research Lab. She earned her doctorate from Duke University and completed her postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School. She is a past president of the Society for the Psychology of Women and a past APA representative to the United Nations. Dr. Bryant-Davis received the distinguished scholar award from the California Psychological Association and has been honored for her contributions to International Psychology for her work in Africa and the African Diaspora as well as for contributions to mentorship in the area of trauma psychology. With more than twenty years of experience in trauma recovery, she has appeared as a mental health expert on television, radio, and print media. Dr. Bryant-Davis raises awareness about mental health issues on The Homecoming Podcast and her social media platforms. Her 2022 book entitled Homecoming: Overcome Fear and Trauma to Reclaim Your Whole Authentic Self is a bestseller in Clinical Psychology. Link to join:

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds