A team of experienced advanced practice acute care nurse practitioners work side by side with the medical staff to provide state-of-the art care for patients with neurological and neurosurgical critical illness, including traumatic brain and spinal cord injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage, ischemic stroke, and refractory seizures.
The Duke Life Flight program has allowed patients with advanced and highly complicated neurocritical care disorders to be transferred to Duke from hospitals throughout North Carolina as well as Virginia, Tennessee, and South Carolina. Tethered to the NICU program is an expanding Tele-Stroke Network which provides local physicians rapid access to a team of Duke physicians skilled in the acute care of the stroke patient. Medical care is seamlessly integrated in a team approach with neurologists, neurosurgeons, and neuroanesthesiologists working together to provide hope to patients and their families in the midst of catastrophic neurological illness.