"RHD Hidden Diagnosis": Documentary Screening and Q&A

May 5, 2023
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Event sponsored by:

Duke Institute for Brain Sciences (DIBS)
Department of Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences
Department of Neurology


Vahaba, Daniel


RHD Hidden Diagnosis - documentary screening and Q&A, May 5, 2023 @ 12 - 1:30 pm (lunch provided), at the Ruby Lounge (Rubenstein Arts Center); advanced registration required by Fri., April 21


Jamila Minga, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
An in-person documentary screening about right hemisphere disorder (RHD) entitled, "RHD Hidden Diagnosis". Limited seats available, advanced registration required for catering purposes (lunch provided). Following the documentary will be a Q&A session with researcher and clinician Dr. Jamila Minga (Duke), and the director Michael Pearce (NCCU). Registration must be received by Friday, April 21, 2023. https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3WuYUYcwYWYLh42