Members of the Duke Neurology Department shared their advances and insights in neurology education, health disparities, movement disorders, and other areas at the American Academy of Neurology’s (AAN) 75th annual meeting in Boston this week. This year, our faculty, staff, and trainees contributed more to the AAN than in any previous year, contributing to 20 posters and abstracts and six classes or sessions. In addition, three of our trainees received national awards or scholarships recognizing their work, and Janice Massey, MD, was honored with the AAN's 2023 Leading in Excellence Through Mentorship Award.
This year, members of our Department contributed to the following projects:
Posters and Abstracts
Clinical Neurophysiology, Epilepsy, and Sleep
- Characteristics and Disease Burden of Patients with Idiopathic Hypersomnia with and without Long Sleep Time: The Real-World Idiopathic Hypersomnia Outcomes Study (ARISE) - Aatif Husan, MD, and colleagues
Medical Education
- Neurology Clerkship Shelf Score Analysis Pre- and Post Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading System - Jordan Mayberry, MD, Vern Juel, MD, Karissa Gable, MD, Michael Lutz, PhD, Christine Berry

Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders
- Adaptive DBS Algorithm for Personalized Therapy in Parkinson's Disease: ADAPT-PD Clinical Trial Methodology and Early Data - Kyle Mitchell, MD, and colleagues
- Perspectives on Parkinson's Disease Medications: A Qualitative Study of People with Parkinson's Disease - Sneha Mantri, MD, MS and colleagues
- Screening and Treatment of Depression in Parkinson’s Disease within Movement Disorders Centers - Sneha Mantri, MD, MS, Allison Allen, and colleagues
Stroke and Vascular Neurology
- Translating Vagus Nerve Stimulation from the Clinical Trial Setting to the Real World Practice -Wayne Feng, MD, MS
- Female and Minority Participants are Underrepresented in Stroke Motor Recovery Trials Over the Last Decade - Sara Hassani, MD
- Strokes in Patients with Primary Brain Tumors After Radiation Therapy -Nada El Husseini, MD, Megumi Segupta, DO, Dylan Ryan, MD, and Katherine Peters, MD, PhD,
- Association Between Hospital-Ascertained Atrial Fibrillation and Central Retinal Artery Occlusion: A Study of 12 Million Patients - Brian Mac Grory, MB BCh, MRCP, Jay Lusk, Emily O’Brien, PhD
- Prophylactic Anti-Seizure Medication Use in Newly Diagnosed Brain Tumor Patients -Katherine Peters, MD, PhD, and colleagues
Neuromuscular Disease
- Acquired Rippling Muscle Disease with Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies - Karissa Gable, MD, Vern Juel, MD, and Thapat Wannarong, MD
- Controversies in ALS Clinic Care and Management: An Interactive Session -Richard Bedlack, MD, PhD, and colleagues
- Optimizing ALS Care and Research Through Patient Partnerships - Richard Bedlack, MD, PhD, and colleagues
- Myasthenia Gravis Activities of Daily Living (MG-ADL) Response to Eculizumab Treatment in Patients from the Generalized Myasthenia Gravis Registry - Vern Juel, MD, and colleagues
- Investigating Autoantibody Profiles in Seronegative Myasthenia Gravis -Yingkai Li, MD, PhD, Vern Juel, MD, and colleagues
- Exploring Relationships Between Ultrasound-Measured Pre-Operative Median Nerve Echointensity and Successful Carpal Tunnel Release -A Retrospective Review -Yohei Harada, MD
Memory Disorders
- Creation of a Memory Disorders Clinic Biorepository to Characterize a Clinic Population and Accurately Refer to Research Studies - Kim Johnson, MD, Daniel Parker, MD, Andy Liu, MD, MS, Cynthia Beam, PA-C, Michelle Sanfillippo, PA-C, Michael Lutz, PhD, and Richard O’Brien, MD, PhD
- Racial Disparities in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD): The Associations Between Early Life Adversity and AD -Deborah Rose, MD, and colleagues

Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis
- Rise of the Biologics: Shifting Prescribing Patterns for Neurosarcoidosis - Kristen Veal, MD, Elijah Lackey, MD, Suma Shah, MD, and Christopher Eckstein, MD
- Missing Piece of Puzzle: Electro-Convulsive Therapy (ECT) in Patients with Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis -Vishal Mandge, MD, MPH, and Lara Wadi, MD
Panels and Sessions
- Neurology Today Panel Discussion and Q&A: Career Consult - Andrew Spector, MD
- Evaluating Diversity, Mitigating Bias, and Overcoming Challenges in Residency - Andrew Spector, MD
- Neurorehabilitation Update -Wayne Feng, MD, MS
- Cerebrovascular Disease and Interventional Neurology: Basic and Translational Science -Wayne Feng, MD, MS
- Neurologist-in-Training Clinical Ethics Elective - Deborah Rose, MD
- Neuroscience in the Clinic: Myasthenia Gravis: From Pathogenesis to Targeted Therapies -Vern Juel, MD, and Yingkai “Kevin” Li, MD, PhD
- HeadTalks - As Seen on TV -Katherine Peters, MD, PhD
Awards and Scholarships
- 2023 Leading in Excellence through Mentorship Award - Janice Massey, MD
- 2023 Resident Research Scholar - Deborah Rose, MD
- 2023 Resident Research Scholar -Tanziyah Muqeem, MD, PhD
- TRANSCENDS (Training in Research for Academic Neurologists to Sustain Careers and Enhance the Numbers of Diverse Scholars) Scholarship - Sara Hassani, MD