Duke Neurology housestaff, APPs shine at 2019 NCNS meeting

Congratulations to Sweta Sengupta, MD, Shareena Rahman, MD Lina Barker, MD, Erika Cummings, PA-C, Margarethe Goetz, PA-C, Elizabeth Devore, NP, and Child Neurology’s Anna Bunker, MD, who represented Duke at the 2019 North Carolina Neurological Society meeting in Greensboro this weekend. Sengupta, Barker, and Bunker each presented posters at the event. In addition, Rahman and Bunker participated in the meeting’s Neurology and Child Neurology “Year in Review” sessions, while Sengupta, Barker, and Bunker presented the following posters:

  • Bathing reflex epilepsy with positivity of a novel SYN1 genetic variant - Lina Barker, MD, and Muhammad Shahzad Zafar, MD
  • A rare case of perineural breast cancer spread as the cause of trigeminal neuralgia - Sweta Sengupta, MD, Timothy Collins, MD
  • Healing headaches: Evidence-based care to accelerate pain-free time for children with migraines in the emergency department - Anna Bunker, MD, Elizabeth Rende, DNP, RN, W. Clayton Bordley, MD, Klaus Werner, MD, PhD, and Emily Sterrett, MD, MS.
