For 12 years, Drew O’Flaherty was part of the finance team at the Duke Private Diagnostic Clinic. This year he joined the Neurology Department, where he helps manage our annual budget, financial reports, computer inventory, and other operations. For this week’s Spotlight interview, O’Flaherty talks about how joining the Neurology Department opened his eyes to the scope of everything that happens at Duke, adjusting to a new job during the COVID-19 pandemic, and enjoying live music, craft beers, and grilling and smoking meats when he’s not at work.
What are your current responsibilities within the Neurology Department? What does a typical day look like for you?
It runs the gamut depending on the time of year, month, or even day. I dabble a bit in everything from the yearly budget process, to monthly financial reporting to faculty, all the way down to cataloging old computer equipment. Mostly I try to take a lot of the more routine financial operations off of Megan so she can focus on more high-level services to our department. Typically, I spend most of a day in front of my computer, making sure numbers add up correctly, but there is a fair amount of time spent hopping around to other duties as they pop up. I’m discovering that the Neurology Admin/Finance group is kind of a full-service unit, so there’s all kinds of interesting non-accountant-y things I can be called on to do. Keeps things interesting!
What were you doing before you came to the Neurology Department?
I spent 12 years over at the Private Diagnostic Clinic’s Finance team. Most of that time I was the Accounts Payable team’s manager, but I spent a fair amount of time helping out the Accounting team at-large with other financial work.
How does your work at the PDC compare to your work in the Neurology Department? What’s the biggest difference between the two organizations?
At a basic level the type of work I’m doing isn’t that much different. There’s a lot I learned during my time at the PDC that gave me a good foundation for the work I’m currently doing here.
I think the biggest difference is the matter of scope. For all that the PDC is a ‘part’ of Duke there was a big disconnect when it comes to what I thought about how big a part the PDC was in the SoM. For me it was shocking that the PDC was actually such a small part of what this department encompasses. Learning how big a beast the more Duke-ish side of things are has been a real eye-opener. But, I’m always up for a challenge!
What do you enjoy most about your work?
The handful of people I’ve met so far (Thanks Covid!) have been the big stars of my time here at Neurology. After so long spent over with one small, tight team at the PDC, I was really nervous about transitioning to another unit within Duke. Luckily for me, Megan and everyone else have been a real pleasure to work for or with. I also enjoy the prospect of growing along with the Department of Neurology as it grows, having an opportunity to help shape the department as it moves forward is a real pleasure.
What’s the hardest part of your job?
Working remotely has been a big challenge for me. Not insofar as the work is concerned, but just missing that sense of in-office comradery. I’m sure I’m not alone in that, but having made the jump to Neurology during Covid I think makes it a little extra challenging. Especially after working with such a tight-knit group as I had been.
If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
Financial Management Analyst II @ Duke Dept of Neurology, obviously! But if Megan or JT ever get tired of me, I’d probably be happy owning my own little bottle shop/bar.
What are you most looking forward to once the COVID-19 pandemic is over?
Heading out to a movie theater with a group of my friends may be what I miss most at the moment. We’d make a big deal out of big blockbuster movie releases and have a night out around it, but all that went out the window last March. Watching Black Widow without the crew was a sad day. Also live music. I miss Motorco like crazy! I do recommend their ‘Live in the Lot’ series though, it’s hard to beat a night under the stars with POD-side service and good music!
What other passions or hobbies do you have outside of the Department?
Oh, I’m a lifelong, unapologetic nerd-of-all-styles. Sign me up for a good fantasy book. Give me all the seasons of the Witcher on Netflix. Video Game nerd? Check. And to go along with those all I’m a pretty huge beer nerd, which the Raleigh-Durham scene helps me nurture in a big way!
I know my way around a grill/smoker, so I’m also a good dude to know if you need something cooked over an open flame.
O'Flaherty enjoys barbeque from Terry Black’s BBQ in Austin, "hands down the best beef rib I’ve ever eaten."