Staff Spotlight: Lacy Rardin, MSW, LCSWA
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Lacy Rardin, MSW, LCSWA, helped families with movement or memory disorders cope with their diagnosis, find support, and navigate life with their conditions in our Morreene Road Clinic. Now, she’s providing the same resources and help to those patients virtually via telephone or video calls.
Restaurant thanks Neuro ICU team for their Naan Stop work
[Update: The initial round of lunches from NaanStop has since inspired a series of more than 20 lunch donations for the Neuro ICU team, courtesy of the Duke Neurology Department.]
Duke University Hospital’s Neuro Intensive Care Unit received a welcome surprise this Friday--35 box lunches of northern Indian cuisine, donated courtesy of NaanStop, a nearby Indian restaurant.
Staff Spotlight: Viviana Cantillana
Before the COVID-19 epidemic, Viviana Cantillana managed the laboratory of Daniel Laskowitz, MD, MHS, in its home in the Bryan Research Building. Now, with her lab microscope in her living room, she’s performing stereology analysis on more than 200 samples of mouse brains from her own home. Cantillana talks to use about her work and how it has changed since the outbreak, how things have changed since she started at Duke nearly 20 years ago, and how she enjoys her spare time in isolation.
Staff Spotlight: Morgan Carter
Morgan Carter, the Neurology Department’s clinical operations manager, works to make every visit to one of our providers as smooth, quick, and complete as possible, whether that means implementing an initiative to increase access, connecting a patient with multiple providers, connecting with our outpatient clinics, or all of the above.
Staff Spotlight: Taewon Kim, PhD
Taewon Kim, PhD, first became interested in the neurosciences while playing high school baseball, when he began wondering how his brain retained the motor skills he picked up during hours of practice. Now, as a postdoctoral associate within the laboratory of Wayne Feng, MD, MD he’s helping to investigate how to help patients keep and build on those same motor skills after they’ve had a stroke. In this week’s “spotlight” interview, Kim talks to us about his graduate studies, his work at Duke, and his plans to continue academic research in the future.