Associate Professor in Neurosurgery
Associate of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society
Member in the Duke Clinical Research Institute
Campus mail: Bryan Research Building, Room 227F, Research Drive, Durham NC 27710
Fax: 919-684-6514
Email: kolls001@mc.duke.edu
To schedule an appointment with a neurology provider, call 919-668-7600.
About Us
As a neurointensivist, I am interested in improving our ability to monitor brain function and the impact of therapy on our patients in the critical care setting. To this end I am conducting clinical research focused on developing new approaches to patient monitoring that will integrate patient physiologic monitoring with brain activity recorded by electroencephalography (EEG).
In the basic science lab, I am interested in the central nervous system's response to injury. I am part of the Brain Injury Translational Research Center, and although much attention has been focused on traumatic brain injury, stroke and brain hemorrhage are also common in the civilian population and pose many of the same clinical challenges as traumatic brain injury.
Using clinically relevant mouse models of brain injury, including models of stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, lobar hemorrhage, closed head injury, and penetrating brain injury, we can explore the key molecular events that lead to edema, secondary brain injury, hyperexcitability and epilepsy, and other sequelae which contribute to poor patient recovery, and significant morbidity following brain injury.