Duke Neurology All Star Awards recognize faculty, staff, trainees, and students from across our Department who go above and beyond the call of duty in their commitment to excellent patient care, research, and education Read the nominations below to learn more about our most recent All Stars.
February All Stars Go to Wadi, Muqeem, and O'Brien
This February, residents Lara Wadi, MD, and Tanziyah Muqeem, MD, PhD, as well as clinical nurse Chloe O'Brien, RN, each received Duke Neurology All Star Awards for providing superlative patient care under extremely difficult circumstances.
Folger, Phillips, Carter, and Adams Receive All Star Awards
The Duke Neurology Department gave two All Star Awards in the last month of 2022. The first went to the administrative team of Caroline Folger, Morgan Carter, and Megan Phillips for their diligence and perseverance during our ongoing transition to becoming part of the Duke Health Integrated Practice. The second went to Duke University Hospital's Polysomnography Tech Gwendolyn Reddecliff Adams for going above and beyond the call of duty to help a patient with a sleep disorder. Read the nominations below to learn more about our most recent All Stars.
November All Stars Recognize Excellence in patient care and teamwork
The Duke Neurology Department gave six of its All Star Awards in November as a recognition of outstanding patient care and the help they provided to members of our Department. Read the nominations below to learn more about our most recent All Stars.
October All Stars Go to Luedke, Dziwis
The Duke Neurology Department has awarded Matt Luedke, MD, chief of the Division of Hospital Neurology, and Senior Assistant Resident Christine Dziwis, MD, All Star Awards in recognition of their excellent teamwork and willingness to help their colleagues.
Duke Neurology All Stars: September 2022
Our Duke Neurology All Star Awards went to two individuals and one team who demonstrated continued excellence and dedication to our Department this September. Our most recent All Stars are departing Chief Department Administrator JT Solomon, Samantha Lowenberg, the stroke team of Andrea Lopez, David Hasan, Cina Sasanneijad, and Scott Le, and Samantha Lowenberg, a nurse at our Morreene Road Clinic.