Grand Rounds Archive

The archive of our Departmental Grand Rounds from 2021 to present is currently available to the public via the links below. Not all recordings may be available per the request of the presenter.
Date Speaker Topic Appetizer
1/1/25   No Grand Rounds; Happy New Year  
1/8/25 Xiaoyan Li, MD, MS, PhD

Updates for ALS Care and Research (Recording not available this week)


Clio Rubinos, MD, MS, FACNS (UNC-Chapel Hill)

Advancing EEG Practices and Status Epilepticus Management in Spanish Speaking Countries: Education and Collaboration in Latin America

1/22/25 Tim Miller, MD, PhD (Washington University

RNA-Targeted Therapies for Neurodegenerative Diseases (Recording not available this week)

1/29/25 Brad Kolls, MD, PhD, MCCi

Acute Subdural Hemorrhage:
An Underappreciated Neurologic Disaster


Ali Christy, MD, PhD (Providence Pediatric Neurology, OR)

Black Pioneers in Neurology


Zaeem Siddiqi, MD, PhD (University of Alberta)

Myasthenia Gravis - Beyond the Antibodies

2/19/25 Curtis Wegener, MD LGBTQ+ Health for the Neurologist Roshni Dhoot, MD - Global Health: So What is USAID?
2/26/25 Jennifer Franklin, PhD (Don't Hate Your Guts) How to Feel Good Now: A Novel Approach to Treating FND and Other Functional Disorders   
3/5/25 Mark Skeen, MD The Role of Complement in NMOSD  
3/12/25 Bobby Charalambous, PhD The Role of the Supraspinal Motor Descending Drives in Post-Stroke Walking (Recording not available this week)  

Duarte Machado, MD (Hartford Healthcare, CT)

Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis and Inflammation in Parkinson’s Disease: Opportunities for Novel Therapeutics


Mitra Afshari, MD, MPH (University of Illinois - Chicago)

Telehealth-Enabled Fall Prevention Strategies in Parkinson’s Disease

Date Speaker Topic Appetizer Presentation
1/3/24 David Greer, MD (Chair of Neurology, Boston University) AAN Brain Death Guidelines (Recording not available this week) Deborah Rose, MD
1/10/24 Nathan "Troy" Tagg, MD Echoes of Strachan- Madan Disease Katie Moore, MSc, MD - "Educate the Educator" presentation
1/17/24 Birgit Frauscher, MD, PhD Bidirectional Influences of Sleep and Epilepsy across Space and Time Brian Dahlben, MS, MD
1/24/24 Jeffrey Baker, MD, PhD (Duke Pediatrics) DEI Lecture - The History of Medicine at Duke


1/31/2024 Roy Strowd, MD, and Kimberly Raab-Graham, PhD (Wake Health)

Forward & Backwards: Lessons learned in translating approaches from bench to bedside & back to advance care for patients with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (Recording not available this week)

Dylan "Rhino" Ryan, MD

Helen Mayberg, MD (Mount Sinai Professor of Neurotherapeutics)

Theory to Practice: Targeted Modulation of Depression Circuits using Deep Brain Stimulation Alexa Stone, MD (Child Neurology Resident)
2/14/24 Maggie Soltis, MD Sleep Medicine Pearls for the Neurologist  
2/21/2024 Wei Yang, PhD, and Huaxin Sheng, MD (Duke Anesthesiology) The Quest for New Stroke Therapies: Stroke Preclinical Assessment Network (SPAN) and Multidisciplinary Brain Protection Program (MBPP) (Recording not available this week) Annie Cavalier, MD
2/28/2024 Edwin Aroke, PhD (UAB-Birmingham) EDI Grand Rounds: Using Epigenomic to Understand Social Determinants of Pain  
Rajiv Ratan, MD, PhD (Weill Cornell Medicine)
"Educate the Educator" presentation


Suma Shah, MD

The Career Experience of Women in Academic Neurology



Russell Swerdlow, MD (University of Kansas Medical Center)

Mitochondria and Mitochondrial Cascades in Alzheimer’s Disease

3/27/2024 Samden Lhatoo, MD (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) SUDEP - From Patho-mechanisms to Rescue
(Recording not available this week)


Soma Sengupta, MD, PhD, MBA (UNC-Chapel Hill)

Integrative Neuro-Oncology

Nhu-y Phan, MD


Max Hilz, MD (Icahn School of Medicine)

Central Dysautonomia in Stroke, Epilepsy, and other Central Nervous Diseases



Will Bynum, MD, PhD (Duke Family Medicine and Community Health)

Constructive shame engagement in medical education: what it is, how to facilitate it, and why we need it

Lara Wadi, MD


Bruce Ovbiagele M.D., MSc, MAS, MBA - Chief of Staff, VA San Francisco
(Stroke Awareness Month)

The Art of the Real: Synergizing Stroke Science, Scientists, and Society in Africa
(Recording not available this week)



Chief Resident Grand Rounds - Tanziyah Muqeem, MD, PhD

Applying insights from neuroscience towards next generation neuromodulation

Suma Shah, MD, "Educate the Educator" presentation -
"Bias in Letters of Recommendation"

5/15/24 Chief Resident Grand Rounds - Annie Cavalier, MD

You’re Going to Die Too - How Candid Conversations about Death and Dying Can Make Us Better Physicians (and Human Beings) 
(Recording not available this week)



Chief Resident Grand Rounds - Roshni Dhoot, MD

Neurology Beyond Borders: A Global Health Experience in Eldoret, Kenya

5/29/24 Chief Resident Grand Rounds - Deborah Rose, MD Trauma and Brain Health: The associations between early life adversity and brain health outcomes  
6/5/24 Chief Resident Grand Rounds - F. Gabriela Kraiter, DO Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis & ECT: managing the malignant syndrome
(Recording not available this week)


Chief Resident Grand Rounds - Christine Dziwis, MD

Moving Beyond Motor: A Discussion on Palliative Care & Parkinson Disease


6/19/24   No Grand Rounds This Week     Juneteenth  
6/26/24 Natalie Katz, MD, PhD (Pediatric Neurology, Duke University) Updates on the treatment of Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy

Jordan Mayberry, MD - "Educate the Educator" presentation


David Kaylie, MS, MD (Duke Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences)

Pathophysiology of Migraine Associated Vertigo


7/10/24 Aatif Husain, MD, MBA

Of Pilots and Copilots: The Role of AI in EEG


Matt Ehrlich, MD, MPH

Neurohospitalist Education and Fellowship (Recording not available this week)

7/24/24 Rick Bedlack, MD, PhD

Hope in ALS: Things I've Learned (and Want to Learn)


Artie Hendricks, MDiv, ThM (Duke Senior Clinical Administrative Chaplain)

Chaplains as Part of the Neurology Team (Recording not available this week)


Jonathan Komisar, MD (Duke Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)

Electroconvulsive Therapy in Neurologic Disorders (Recording not available this week)

8/14/24 Tim Collins, MD Update on Opioid Therapy  
8/21/24 Alexandra Badea, PhD (Duke Biomedical Engineering)

Network Fingerprints of Late Onset Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Factors


Shruti Agashe, MD

Intracranial Neuromodulation in Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy

Erika Cummings, PA - Community Engagement Updates
9/4/24 Jeff Russ, MD, PhD (Duke Pediatric Neurology)

Untangling the Consequences of Perinatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury at a Cellular and Molecular Level (Recording not available this week)

Jodi Hawes, MD - "Educate the Educator" presentation
9/11/24 Scott Le, DO

The NIHSS Gets a Makeover: Attempting to Reduce Biases in Stroke Care

Andrew Spector, MD - Being an Upstander
9/18/24 Dylan Ryan, MD ESUS: You Sure About That  

Fariha Abbasi-Feinberg, MD (Millennium Physician Group, Fort Myers, FL)

Happiness in Healthcare (Yes, it is Possible)

10/2/24 Prachi Parikh, MD Epilepsy and Neuromodulation (Recording not available this week)  
10/9/24 Shruti Raja, MD, MHS Concepts in Early Clinical Drug Development  
10/16/24 Len White, PhD Bias and the Brain Roshni Dhoot, MD - Global Health ... It's Political
10/23/24 Tim Collins, MD Diet & Migraine  
10/30/24 Thomas Bleck, MD, MCCM (Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine) Status Epilepticus  
11/6/24 Katie Moore, MD, MSc Huntington's Disease: More than Autosomal Dominant Chorea (Recording not available this week)  

Sandor Beniczky, MD, PhD (Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark)

Automated Seizure Detection Using Non-Invasive Wearable Devices


Jessica McFarlin, MD (University of Kentucky)

Guiding Patients Through Uncertainty: Prognostic Conversations in Neurologic Care

11/27/24 No Grand Rounds; Happy Thanksgiving!    
12/4/24 Vishal Mandge, MD, MPH Burnout and Recovery - From a Neurologist's Perspective  

Jiwon Oh, MD, PhD (University of Toronto)

Changing Diagnostic and Treatment Paradigms in Multiple Sclerosis


Jay Lusk, MD, MBA (UNC-Chapel Hill)

Clinical Data Science in Neurodegenerative Disease Care: A Roadmap To Health Equity

"Educate the Educator" - Katie Moore, MD, MSc

12/25/24   No Grand Rounds; Happy Holidays  
Date Speaker Topic Case Presentation
1/4/23 Georgios Tsivgoulis, MD (University of Athens) New Frontiers in Intravenous Thrombolysis for Acute Ischemic Stroke Shivani Shah, MD
1/11/23 Nicole Calakos, MD, PhD Plasticity Gone Awry? What Dystonia has Taught us About How the Brain Works Rich O'Brien, MD, PhD
1/18/23 Lauren Sansing, MD, MS (Yale School of Medicine) Inflammation and Resolution after Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Lessons from Mouse and Man Dylan Ryan, MD
1/25/23 Noreen Bukhari-Parlaturk, MD, PhD Basal Ganglia, the Missing Link to Improving TMS Clinical Response in Focal Hand Dystonia Marjorie Soltis, MD
2/1/23 Andrew Spector, MD Breaking the Addiction: Moving Beyond Dopamine Agonists for the Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome Mina Essak, DO
2/8/23 Kim Johnson, MD Neuropsychiatric Comorbidities and Medication Prescribing for Persons Living with Dementia in North and South Carolina Michelle Sanfilippo, PA-C
2/15/23 Nimish Mohile, MD (Univ of Rochester) Reducing Inequities in Academic Neurology Heba Al-Sahlani, PA-C
2/22/23 Leonardo Bonilha MD, PhD (Professor of Neurology, Emory) Deep Learning Applied to the Diagnosis of Epilepsy Educate the Educator Presentation - Katie Moore, MD, MSc
3/1/23 Matthew Luedke, MD If it Came in a Pill: The Benefits of Exercise and Epilepsy Matthew Ehrlich, MD, MPH
3/8/23 Tim Collins, MD An Update on Opioid Therapy Ton Wannarong, MD
3/15/23 Mark Skeen, MD The Future of MS Care Kristen Veal, MD
3/22/23 Carmen Graffagnino, MD, and Cina Sasannejad, MD Traumatic Brain Injury: From Acute Management to Long-Term Care Gabriel Torrealba-Acosta, MD
3/29/23 Wuwei Wayne Feng, MD, MS Predicting Post-Stroke Motor Recovery Greg Cogan, MD, PhD
4/5/23 Hau-Tieng Wu (Duke Professor of Mathemetics) Unlocking the Potential of Medical Data for AI development with Signal Processing and Mathematics Kristi Kehoe, PA-C
4/12/23 Daniel Kenney Jung, MD (Duke Child Neurology) Adult-Onset Leukodystrophy Katie Moore, MD, MS
4/19/23 Claude Hemphill, MD, MA (UCSF) The Intracerebral Hemorrhage Score- the Good, the Bad, and the Future Tim Collins, MD
4/26/23 Scott Kasner, MD Cryptogenic Stroke: Into Darkness Ryan Ghusayni, MD
5/3/23 Volker Hoemberg, MD (President, World Federation of Neurorehabilitation) Neurorehabilitation After Stroke: Advances, Unsolved Questions and Perspectives for the Future Ahmad Zamzam, MD
5/10/23 Qichen Duan (Duke Biology), Nathaniel Hernandez (Pharmacology and Cancer Biology), and Katherine Lambert, PhD (Biomedical Engineering) Duke Scholars in Molecular Medicine: Highlights in Translational Neuroscience Suma Shah, MD
5/17/23 Amanda Currie, MD COVID-19: A Duke Neurology Experience Vishal Mandge, MD, MPH
5/24/23 Danelvis Paredes, MD, MPH BTK Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis Daniel Parker, MD
5/31/23 C. Hunter Roark, DO The Randomized Controlled Trial: Their Significance, and How They Apply to Neurology Chris Eckstein, MD
6/7/23 Mishy Roy, MD, MHA Your Brain on Music Hussein Al-Shammari, MD
6/14/23 Lara Wadi, MD The Psychoses of Epilepsy Braydon Dymm, MD
6/21/23 Jung Hyun Ko, MD, MPH Neurology Medications: New Directions Amber Anderson, PA-C
6/28/23 Dylan Ryan, MD EVT in Patients with Pre-Stroke Disability Michael Lutz, PhD
7/12/23 Cameron McIntyre, PhD Connectomic Deep Brain Stimulation  
7/19/23 Daniel Parker, MD Anti-Amyloid Therapies for Alzheimer's Disease  
7/26/23 Don Sanders, MD, Vern Juel, MD, and Yingkai Lin, MD, PhD Current Concepts in Myasthenia Gravis  
8/2/23 Nandan Lad, MD, PhD Duke Focused Ultrasound Program: Incisionless Neuromodulation Andrea Linares Lopez, DO
8/9/23 Abhay Moghekar, MD, PhD (Johns Hopkins) NPH: A Fluid Controversy Maria Minor, MD
8/16/23 Jordan Mayberry, MD Treatable Genetic Disorder: Hereditary Transthyretin Amyloidosis (hATTR) Tasnim Mushannen, MD
8/23/23 Natalie Katz, MD, PhD (Child Neurology) FSHD: An Update on Clinical Trial Readiness Jorden Larsen, MD
8/30/23 Christopher Eckstein, MD Autoimmune Encephalitis: An Update Felix Nwajei, MD, PhD
9/6/23 Anthony Galanos, MD (Duke Medicine - Palliative Care) Grief 101: How to Support those who Grieve Vincent Chang, MD
9/13/23 Aaron Berkowitz, MD, PhD (UCSF) Dilemmas in Global Neurology Stephanie Reyes, MD
9/20/23 LaHoma Romocki, PhD (UNC Chapel Hill), and Cindy Waszak Geary  Durham School Desegregation (EDI Grand Rounds) Ethan Eyman, MD
9/27/23 Lisa Hobson-Webb, MD Neuromuscular Ultrasound in Clinical Practice and Research Megumi Sugita, DO
10/4/23 Robert Zivadinov, MD, PhD (University of Buffalo) Data in Multiple Sclerosis: A Translational Approach Using Large Databases, Synthetic MRI, and AI (recording not available) David Fear, MD
10/11/23 Christophe Grova, PhD (University of Concordia) Multimodal Presurgical Investigation of the Epileptic Networks: Insights from Electromagnetic Sources and Hemodynamic Processes (Recording not available) Rahul Gaini, MD, MBA
10/18/23 Stephen Lisberger, PhD Trying to Understand How the Cerebellum works (Recording not available) Tanziyah Muqeem, MD, PhD
10/25/23 Cagla Eroglu, PhD How do Astrocytes Sculpt Synaptic Circuits? Austin Peters, MD
11/1/2023 James Burke, MD, PhD, and W. Kirby Gottschalk, PhD The Weights of GLP-1 Agonists River Jordan, MD
11/8/2023 Shreyansh Shah, MD The Art and Science of Neuroprognostication Christine Dziwis, MD
11/15/23 Brian Mac Grory, MB BCh, MRCP The Heart and The Eye Roshni Dhoot, MD
11/29/23 Roy Strowd, MD Creating Opportunities for Clinician Educators Through Educational Scholarship Joel Morgenlander, MD
12/6/23 Noreen Bukhari Parakturk, MD, PhD Recording not available this week Michelle Maher, MD
12/13/23 James White, PhD Young Blood Can Turn Back Our Biological Clock Florina Kraiter, DO
Date Speaker Topic Case Presentation
1/5/22 Pierre Tariot, MD  (Banner Alzheimer's Institute) Evaluation, Management and Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Features of Dementia Ryan Ghusayni, MD
1/12/22 Andrea Deyrup, MD, PhD, and Joseph Graves, PhD Race in Medicine Puya Abbassi, MD
1/19/22 Michelle P. Lin, MD, MPh (Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville) Silent Cerebrovascular Disease: Tip of the Iceberg Danelvis Paredes, MD
1/26/22 Howard Francis, MD (Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences) Aging and the Inner Ear: Implications for Population Health Gabriela Kraiter, DO
2/2/22 Miles Berger, MD, PhD (Duke Department of Anesthesiology) Alzheimer’s Disease, Anesthesia and Surgery: Perioperative Care as a Stress Test for the Aging Brain Lara Wadi, MD
2/9/22 Gordon Smith, MD (VCU) A Crisis in U.S. Drug Pricing: Consequences for Patients, Providers, and Society Matthew Scaglione, PhD
2/16/22 Vinay Chaudhry, MD (UNC-Chapel Hill) Nodal Neuropathies Alexandra Badea, PhD
2/23/22 Heather Whitson, MD (Department of Medicine, co-director, Duke/UNC ADRC) How the Duke/UNC ADRC is Fighting Alzheimer's Across the Lifespan Tanziyah Muqeem, MD, PhD
3/2/22 Stanley Appel, MD (Chair, Houston Methodist Department of Neurology) Suppressing Neuroinflammation: Treg Cell Therapy in Neurodegenerative Diseases Paridhi Shah, MD
3/9/22 Vern Juel, MD, and Don Sanders, MD Lambert-Eaton Myasthenia W. Kirby Gottschalk, PhD
3/16/22 Gwenn Ann Garden, MD PhD (UNC Chapel Hill, co-director, Duke/UNC ADRC) Microglia in Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis Rich O'Brien, MD, PhD
3/23/22 Matthew Schrag MD, PhD (Vanderbilt) Microvascular Degeneration in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and Alzheimer's Disease Rabia Ghazi, MBBS
3/30/22 Karen Furie, MD, MPH (Brown University) Options for Dual Antiplatelet Therapy after TIA or Stroke Carlene Moore, PhD
4/6/22 Matthew Khayata, MD (Child Neurology) Chief Resident Grand Rounds: Outcome and Treatment Preferences in Pediatric Migraine Ashley Lengel, PA-C
4/13/22 Sarah Cook, PhD, and Jill Stuart, PhD Neuropsychology Normative Standards: Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going, and Why It Matters Katie Moore, MD
4/20/22 Kate Taylor, DO (Child Neurology) Chief Resident Grand Rounds: Outcome and Treatment Preferences in Pediatric Migraine Simon Gregory, PhD
5/4/22 Daniel Lackland, PhD (MUSC) The Burden of Hypertension and Stroke: An Ongoing Pandemic Christian Hernandez, MD
5/18/22 Ariel Lefland, MD Chief Resident Grand Rounds:The Future (or Lack Thereof) of the Lecture Tim Collins
5/25/22 Elijah Lackey, MD Chief Resident Grand Rounds: Neurosarcoidosis Jordan Mayberry, MD
6/1/22 Puya Abbassi, MD Chief Resident Grand Rounds: Perceptions of Epilepsy in Society Avee Champaneria, MD
6/8/22 Kristin Veal, MD Chief Resident Grand Rounds: Treatment Paradigms in MS Jacob Gardner, PA-C
6/15/22 Ryan Ghusayni, MD Chief Resident Grand rounds - Functional Disorder Paige Sutton, MD
6/22/22 Ben Groves, MD Chief Resident Grand Rounds - Burnout Beth Marriott, MD
6/29/22 Rich O'Brien, MD, PhD Dementia Yohei Harada, MD
7/6/22 Brian Mac Grory MB BCh, MRCP Hidden in Plain Sight: The Carotid Web and Cryptogenic Stroke Lara Wadi, MD
7/13/22 Chantal Boisvert, MD (Duke Ophthalmology) Neuro-Ophthalmic Emergencies Mishy Roy, MD
7/20/22 Emily O'Brien, PhD, and Jay Lusk Using Real-World Data to Understand Disparities in Neurodegenerative Disease Care Gabriela Kraiter, DO
7/27/22 Benzi Kluger, MD (University of Rochester Medical Center) Palliative Care for Parkinson’s Disease No case presentation
8/3/22 Birgit Frauscher, MD, PhD (McGill University New Ways to Simplify and Improve the Pre-Surgical EEG Work-up of Epilepsy Danelvis Paredes, MD
8/10/22 Leonard White, PhD Visible Human Neuroanatomy: A Guided Tour with Selected Cadaveric Specimens Deborah Rose, MD
8/17/22 David Hasan, MD, MSc  (Duke Neurosurgery) New Innovative Techniques in Cerebrovascular Research Amanda Currie, MD
8/31/22 John Zhang, MD, PhD (Loma Linda School of Medicine) Delayed Recanalization: Peripheral-Brain Connection-Rejuvenation Dylan Ryan, MD
9/7/22 Douglas Marchuk (Duke CGB) Cerebral Cavernous Malformations:  The Road from Gene Discovery to Therapy Jung Hyun Ko, MD, MPH
9/14/22 Sweta Sengupta, MD and Jaskiran Vidwan, DO At the Heart of the Matter: Migraine as a Risk Factor for Vascular Disease Annie Cavalier, MD
9/21/22 Andy Liu, MD, MS MERIAD: Mechanisms in Epigenetics to Explain Racial Inequalities in Alzheimer’s Disease Tanziyah Muqeem, MD, PhD
9/28/22 Federico Rodriguez-Porcel, MD (MUSC) What Are you Talking About? Communication Changes in Parkinson's Disease Joseph Painter, MD
10/5/22 Lynn Raymond, MD, PhD (University of British Columbia) Mechanisms of Altered Synaptic and Circuit Function in Huntington's Disease Jordan Larsen, MD
10/12/22 Steve Galetta, MD (Chair of Neurology, NYU) Where is the Vision?: The Value of the Neuro-Ophthalmological Exam in Neurological Diagnosis Joel Morgenlander, MD
10/19/22 Alex Marshall, PhD (NCCU) The Neurobiology of Alcohol Dependence Felix Nwajei, MD
10/26/22 Josef Parvizi, MD, PhD (Stanford University) Investigating the Human Mind with Intracranial EEG and Direct Cortical Electrical Stimulation Andrea Linares-Lopez, DO
11/2/22 Gabrielle Byrd, PhD (Purdue University) D&I Grand Rounds: Intergroup Anxiety Stephanie Reyes, MD
11/9/22 Wiliam Powers, MD Diagnostic Imaging for Ischemic Stroke: CT Alone or CT Plus MRI Maria Minor, MD
11/16/22 David Hwang, MD (UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine) Challenges to Patient-Centered Decision-Making in Neurologically Ill Patients Christine Dziwis, MD
11/30/22 Derek Southwell, MD, PhD (Duke Neurosurgery) Interneuron Transplantation for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy Tasnim Mushannen, MD
12/7/22 Rick Bedlack, MD, PhD, and Jennifer Hamill, MSN Expanded Access Programs: Help for the Durham Buyer's Club No case this week
12/14/22 Amanda Guidon, MD, MPH (Massachusetts General Hospital) The Path to Prevention and Targeted Therapy for Neuromuscular Toxicity from Cancer Immunotherapy (recording not available) Charles "Hunter" Roark, DO
12/21/22 Klaus Werner, MD, PhD (Duke Child Neurology Tuberous Sclerosis Suma Shah, MD 
Date Speaker Topic Case Presentation
1/6/21 Lisa Clark Pickett MD, Robert B Whiteside, CHPA Dealing with aggressive patients Cindy Dunn, PA-C
1/13/21 Walter Paulus, MD (University Medical Center, Göttingen) Noninvasive brain stimulation in epilepsy Lauren Chamberlain, MD
1/20/21 Alice S. Chen-Plotkin, MD (Penn Medicine) Updating our definitions of Parkinson's disease for a molecular age Amanda Currie, MD
1/27/21 Carol Colton, PhD Immune-regulated metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease Abigail Berezoksi, MD
2/3/21 Lisa Christopher-Stine, MD, MPH (Director, Johns Hopkins Myositis Center) Myositis 2021: Moving beyond dermatomyositis and “polymyositis" Lara Wadi, MD
2/10/21 Matt Ehrlich, MD, MPH Socioeconomic influence on EMS use in acute stroke: Think globally, act locally Steven Gangloff, MD
2/17/21 Aaron Anderson, MD (Emory University) Neurovascular ultrasound: Beyond velocities Hui Zhang, MD
3/3/21 Nick Hudak, PA-C Interprofessional education and care (IPEC) Susan Spratt, MD
3/10/21 Larry Goldstein, MD (U-Kentucky) Asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis: Interventional approaches vs. medical therapy Michael Reynolds, MD
3/24/21 Christopher Lunsford, MD (Orthopedic Surgery) Pediatric physiatry, disability as diversity Caitlin Clark, MD
3/31/21 Katy Peters, MD, PhD Ready for change: An evolution in treating low-grade gliomas Ben Groves, MD
4/7/21 John Krakauer, MD (Johns Hopkins) Brain plasticity and stroke rehabilitation Dorlan Kimbrough, MD
4/14/21 John Probasco, MD (Johns Hopkins) Autoimmune encephalitis Andy Liu, MD, MS
4/28/21 Erik Ross, MD (Child Neurology) Chief Resident Grand Rounds Marjorie Soltis, MD
5/5/21 Dawn Kleindorfer, MD (University of Michigan) Janice Massey 2021 Lecture - Racial and geographic disparities in stroke Hui Zhang, MD
5/12/21 Paul McIntosh, MD Chief Resident Grand Rounds Michelle Sanfilippo, MPAS, PA-C
5/19/21 Nate Ameri, MD Chief Resident Grand Rounds Courtney Heard, NP
5/26/21 Steven Frucht, MD (NYU Lagone) Musician's Dystonia Heatherlyn Wilson, NP
6/2/21 Danielle Howard, MD Chief Resident Grand Rounds Sweta Sengupta, MD
6/9/21 Laura Caligiuri, MD (Child Neurology) Chief Resident Grand Rounds Mohamad Yser Orabi, MD
6/16/21 Petra Brayo, MD Chief Resident Grand Rounds Mary Guhwe, DNP
6/30/21 Alan Tesson, Jr, MD Chief Resident Grand Rounds Daniel Guillen, MD
7/7/21 Alex Rotenberg, MD (Harvard/Boston Children's) Prospects for TMS in Epilepsy and Neuronavigation Prachi Parikh, MD
7/14/21 Tim Collins, MD, and Sweta Sengupta, MD Functional Disorders in the Headache Clinic Tim Collins, MD
7/21/21 Dorlan Kimbrough, MD Disease Modifying Therapies for Neuromyelitis Optica Ben Groves, MD
7/28/21 Deborah Koltai, PhD Understanding the Landscape of Epilepsy Care in Uganda Natisha Mandadi, DO
8/4/21 Andy Liu, MD, MS Neuropathology of TSC Daniel Parker, MD
8/18/21 Vern Juel, MD A Neurological Complication of Open Radial and Ulnar Fractures Hunter Roark, DO
8/25/21 Brian Howell, PhD (Pratt School of Engineering) The Future of Non-invasive Neuromodulation in Movement Disorders Amanda Currie, MD
9/1/21 Wayne Feng, MD, MS, and Inderjit Singh, PhD, DS S-nitrosoglutathione for Stroke Treatment and Recovery Kristin Veal, MD
9/8/21 Karen Orjuela, MD, MS, (University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus) Welcome to the Neurohospitalist Fellowship Movement! Vishal Mandge, MD, MPH
9/15/21 Michael Lutz, PhD Drug Repurposing for Alzheimer's Disease Simon Davis, PhD
9/22/21 Dane Whicker, PhD (Duke Psychiatry) LGBTQ+ Care at Duke Dylan Ryan, MD
9/29/21 Abhay Mogehakar, MBBS Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension No case this week
10/6/21 Souvik Sen, MD (University of South Carolina) Migraine with Aura and Cardioembolic Stroke Alexey Shikuev, MD
10/13/21 Suma Shah, MD MOG Antibody Disease: A Re-Introduction and Clinical Update No case this week
10/27/21 Sterling Johnson (University of Wisconsin) New Discoveries in the Preclinical Phase of Alzheimer's Disease Roshni Dhoot, MD
11/3/21 Jan Claassen, MD (Columbia University) Integrated Brain Monitoring in Coma Christian Hernandez, MD
11/10/21 Clemens Scherzer, MD (Harvard Medical School) Predictive Neurology: Why the Future of Parkinson's is Personal Christine Dziwis, MD
11/17/21 Rebecca Gottesman, MD, PhD(NINDS) Blood Pressure and Dementia: The Highs, Lows, and In-Betweens Annie Cavalier, MD
12/1/21 Sneha Mantri, MD, MS Thrive-PD: A New Care Model for People with Parkinson's Disease Jung Hyun Ko, MD, MPH
12/8/21 Kyle Mitchell, MD Closing the loop: Adaptive Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease Swapna Msunur, MD