Our Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Our Diversity and Inclusion committee meets on a quarterly basis to discuss how to best assess, maintain, and improve equity, diversity, and inclusion within the Duke Department of Neurology.

Our committee, open to everyone who wishes to join, includes faculty, staff, and trainees from across our missions of clinical care, education, and research.

Our members are active, empowered, and engaged to make improve treatment and belonging for all of our members. During the 2019-2020 academic year, our committee spearheaded five departmental self-assessment reviews, including a committee-designed census that went out to all members of the Department.

The committee, under the leadership of Andrew Spector, MD, and William Alexander, MA, guides the direction of our Department's D&I efforts. In 2018 and 2019 the committee adopted the themes of "transparency" and "accountability," respectively, to guide our efforts. Building on these themes, our Committee chose the theme of "equity" for 2020, with a goal of making sure all members of our Department receive equitable treatment, access to information, and support.

Committee Members

Staff Assistant
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Professor of Neurology
Associate Professor of Neurology
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Associate Professor of Neurology
Professor of Neurology
Research Practice Manager
Professor of Neurology
Margaret Harris and David Silverman Distinguished Professor
Nurse Practitioner
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Physician Assistant
Division Chief, Memory Disorders, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Psychiatry
Physician Assistant
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Professor of Neurology
Professor of Neurology
Disque D. Deane University Distinguished Professor of Neurology
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Administrative Coordinator
Professor of Neurosurgery
Associate Professor of Neurology
Associate Professor of Neurology
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Associate Professor in Neurology
Advanced Practice Provider
Nurse Practitioner
Internal Medicine Resident
Assistant Professor of Neurology