Empowerment, Diversity, and Inclusion in Neurology: A Blog by Andrew Spector, MD

When he assumed the role of Vice Chair for Inclusion, Diversity, and Empowerment in the Duke Neurology Department, Andrew Spector, MD, began sharing regular notes to our Diversity and Inclusion Committee on the intersections of diversity, inclusion and neurology. These messages grew from brief updates to essays discussing dealing with microaggressions, the harm caused by myths about "model minorities," and other topics and have been collected here as an ongoing blog.

Building Bridges with NCCU, Spring Holidays

Welcome to Spring! We have come through our early spring holidays of Nowruz, Purim, Holi, St. Patrick’s Day, Isra and Mi’raj, and Ash Wednesday with another whole set to follow: Good Friday and Easter, Passover, Earth Day, Cinco de Mayo, and Ramadan. Some of these are more solemn and others more celebratory, but I hope they are meaningful to those who observe them! If you celebrate a holiday that I missed here, please let me know so I can highlight it next time! 

Groundhog Day and Black History Month: Fighting the Same Battles Over and Over

I’m two days late to call this a January update, so we’re going to call this a combined January/February D&I update. As you know, I try to write something related to D&I in connection with current events each month, but since I missed January, this month you’re getting an extra-long edition. I’ve included it below, where you’ll see my thoughts on Groundhog Day in the context of Black History Month. Yes, those two go together, at least in my mind.

Grace and the Continuing Struggle for Inclusion

Three and a half years ago, I succeeded Dr. Kenny Railey as Director of Diversity and Inclusion for the Department of Neurology. I had the good fortune to apprentice with Kenny for 4 months before he stepped down, during which time I learned a great deal about performing D&I work. He remains a mentor and good friend. Kenny is more religious than I am, and he speaks often of grace. The association between grace and divinity in both language and culture means that I’ve historically heard this word with religious connotations.

Native American Heritage Month, Celebrating Inclusion during "the Holidays"

Good morning, Friends. I'll begin our D&I update for November with a note from Will Alexander about Native American Heritage Month:This week includes both Thanksgiving as well as the start of Hanukkah (November 28-December 6), with Christmas and the end of the year just a month after. These holidays are an opportunity to share feelings of gratitude, enjoy delicious food, and have time with our loved ones.

Women's History Month

On this, the first day of Women’s History Month, I wanted to review some of the amazing “firsts” that have been made in women’s history just in 2021 alone. Women are breaking new ground in everything from sports to politics to religion. Here are just a few:

Lunar New Year and COVID-Related Racism

February comes to us full of cultural significance. Tomorrow marks the Lunar (or Chinese) New Year. To our Chinese and Asian team members and all those who celebrate tomorrow, happy new year! As I wrote about last March, this has been a particularly difficult year for our Asian colleagues as they have faced increasing racism related to COVID-19. Dr.

Celebrating MLK Jr and Continuing His Work

Today we celebrate and remember the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, one of the most revered figures ever to fight for racial justice. Dr. King’s teachings on racial inequality are as important now as they were during his lifetime.

Equity for 2021, Underrepresented in Neurology Teleshadowing, D&I Grand Rounds

Departmental D&I activities have continued through the pandemic. We have now had three D&I Grand Rounds so far this year with more to come in 2021. Back by popular demand, Ada Gregory will be giving round 2 of her Bystander Intervention lecture to help those of us act when our friends, students, and colleagues are confronted with racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. This is one of the most difficult skills to learn, and it takes a great deal of courage, so this should be great session.  

Transgender Day of Rememberance

I hope this message finds you and your families healthy! 

This year’s theme for our departmental D&I work is “equity.” Gender equity is always a top priority for our work, and this month I’d like to shine the light on cis- and transgender equity. 

Anger, remorse, and loss in Philadelphia and Rochester; Bystander interventions

I don’t like starting with bad news, but this month’s update must once again start with an expression of remorse and anger over more needless deaths of young, Black men. Walter Wallace, Jr.’s and Daniel Prude’s deaths in Philadelphia and Rochester are a reminder of how important it is to have people trained in mental health responding to mental health crises. We send ambulances for physical health problems, but police with guns to mental health crises. This can’t continue. Each and every time this happens, reverberations are felt far beyond the families that are directly affected.