APP Spotlight: Cosette Burian, PA-C, MMS
Cosette Burian, PA-C, MMS, was first acquainted with the devastating effects of neuromuscular diseases as a child, when she saw her father develop progressive fatigue and muscle atrophy that re
Alumni Spotlight: Khalid El-Salem, MD
Nearly 20 years after the attacks of September 11, 2001, Khalid El-Salem, MD still remembers the efforts Donald Sanders, MD, took to make him feel welcome and at home when he was a neuromuscula
Bukhari-Parlakturk receives Doris Duke award
Promising young faculty face a dilemma as they enter academic medicine.
White wins alumni teaching award
The Duke Alumni Association has given its 2019 Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award to Leonard White, PhD, associate professor of psychology, neuroscience, and neurology.
Staff Spotlight: Stuart Sundseth
As a research technician within the lab of Carol Colton, PhD, Stuart Sundseth is following in the footsteps of his father, who worked with Allen Roses, MD, to run clinical trials on Alzheimer’s
Staff Spotlight: Chris Berry
As our Undergraduate Medical Education Coordinator, Chris Berry is responsible for handling the meetings, lesson schedules, grades, and other paperwork associated with the second-year and fourt
Faculty Spotlight: Scott Strine, DO
As a young medical student, Scott Strine, DO, considered oncology, until a job as a tumor registrar that made an early part-time job as a bank teller seem like an adrenaline rush.
rTMS improves memory in younger and older adults
Magnetic stimulation of the brain improves working memory, offering a new potential avenue of therapy for individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, according to new r
Staff Spotlight: Edwina McCray, MSN, CNML
Almost 20 years ago, Edwina McCray, MSN, CNML, started at Duke as a recently graduated nurse.
Staff Spotlight: Akshay Alaghatta
Akshay Alaghatta’s love of space exploration made him want to be a physics major, until an introductory neuroscience course convinced him to study human consciousness instead.