The Duke Epilepsy Fellowship is based at Duke University Medical Center (DUMC). Rotations include adult and pediatric epilepsy clinics, video EEG monitoring (EMU), ICU EEG, night float and electives which can be tailored to a candidate's interest. Trainees also have a large role in planning and implementation of intracranial EEG monitoring cases and QI/PI projects related to epilepsy.
The Duke Epilepsy division also has a robust involvement in research. For fellows interested in pursuing research, opportunities exist to participate in ongoing research or start their own or collaborate and work closely with other departments such as radiology, biomedical engineering etc. Trainees interested in teaching will have the opportunity to be involved with resident teaching and the medical school.
Prerequisites: Completion of a residency in neurology or pediatric neurology.
Salary Level: PGY-5
Highlights: The Duke Comprehensive Epilepsy Center has a 15-bed video-EEG monitoring facility. Approximately 50 surgeries are performed every year, including approximately 30-50 intracranial EEG monitoring cases. Neurological ICU beds are hardwired for EEG machines, and between 15-25 continuous EEG monitoring studies are performed each day (adult and pediatrics combined). The EEG labs also performs ambulatory EEG monitoring, high-density EEG, and electrical source imaging. In addition we have a robust neuromodulation program with a recurring neuromodulation clinic and hands on experience. Other specialty clinics include but are not limited to – post-acute care clinic (patients discharged from neuro-ICU, post-cardiac arrest, hospital admission), refractory epilepsy clinic, women with epilepsy clinic, sleep and epilepsy clinic.
The NIOM laboratory performs approximately 500 cases at DUMC and a similar number at Duke Raleigh Hospital and Durham Regional Hospital.
Besides a thriving basic science research program in epileptogenesis, pharmacology, and genetics Duke has a robust translational research department. The ANPHY Lab is one of our largest clinical and translational research labs performing ground breaking research in epilepsy, sleep and source modeling. Fellows interested in research are highly encouraged to participate in ongoing or new projects.
Those interested in pursuing an academic career, surgical-epilepsy and interested in research are strongly encouraged to apply for a two-year fellowship.
Program Director
Prachi Parikh, MD
E-mail: Prachi.Parikh@duke.edu
Program Coordinator
Christine Berry
Duke University Medical Center
Hanes House 298, 315 Drive
Box 102350
Durham, NC
Phone: 919-613-0314
Fax: 919-684-8955
- Adult Epilepsy and ICU EEG Service
- Pediatric Epilepsy and ICU EEG Service
- EEG/EP Service
- Neurophysiologic Intraoperative Monitoring Service
- Sleep Service
- Research
Current and former members of the Duke Neurology Department, along with the nation’s leading epilepsy researchers, providers, and educators, gathered in Orlando, Florida, this weekend for the American Epilepsy Society’s (AES) 2023 annual meeting.
The month of September saw 20 new peer-reviewed journal articles articles and one book chapter from members of the Duke Neurology Department.
Shruti Agashe, MD, MS, first came to Duke as a biomedical engineering student. After medical school, this perspective, as well as her fascination with the human brain, drew her to neurology and epileptology.
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