
Duke Neurology Research Round Up, December 2023

The final month of 2023 saw members of the Duke Neurology Department contributing to nine new peer-reviewed journal articles. Highlights include an analysis of symptoms associated with internal tremor for Parkinson’s disease, a trio of population-level studies for stroke, and a new examination of the connections between white matter and executive function. Read short summaries of each of these articles and find links to the original research below.

Duke Neurology Research Round Up, December 2023

What do a speech prosthetic that translates brain signals into speech, retinal scans that detect cognitive impairment, and a promising new form of genetic therapy for Parkinson’s and some forms of dementia have in common? They’re all examples of the 21 peer-reviewed journal articles authored members of the Duke Neurology Department published this November.  

Faculty Spotlight: Jonathan Morena, DO

When Ohio State University launched its neuroscience program just over a decade ago, Jonathan Morena, DO, was one of its first and most enthusiastic enrollees. Shortly afterwards, an experience as a camp counselor in a local MDA clinic convinced him to specialize in neuromuscular disorders. Now, Morena is the newest addition to our division of neuromuscular disorders. 

Staff Spotlight: Hailey Zampa

Conducting clinical research is a complicated, time-consuming process, requiring careful monitoring of patients’ blood work, cognitive measures, and other data points over time, recording and analyzing that data, and then synthesizing it to look for long-term trends over time. Hailey Zampa, a clinical research coordinator in our Morreene Road Clinic, is a part of that effort for several potential treatments for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Duke Neurology Research Round Up, July 2023

A promising new therapy for brain tumors detailed in the New England Journal of Medicine and a  validation of a popular stroke treatment for patients taking vitamin K antagonists published in JAMA are just two highlights of the 15 peer-reviewed journal articles authored by members of the Duke Neurology Department this June. 

Duke Neurology Research Round Up, June 2023

This May, members of the Duke Neurology Department contributed to 12 new peer-reviewed journal articles. Highlights of this research include the first study to examine trauma-associated sleep disorder among U.S. veterans, the development of a highly sensitive microscopic technique to identify the regions in the brain where seizures begin, and a small but innovative trial showing early promise for a potential alternative therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).