Faculty Spotlight: Michael Lutz, PhD
A veteran of the Neurology Department with 15 years at Duke, Michael Lutz, PhD, Associate Professor in the Translational Br
Faculty Spotlight: Sharon Fekrat, MD, FASRS
Sharon Fekrat, MD, FASRS, sees the retina, the lining of the eye that translates visual signals from the eye into what the brain perceives as sight, as both
Faculty Spotlight: Junjie Yao, PhD
Junjie Yao, PhD, grew up dreaming about the potential health applications of combining engineering and biology.
Faculty Spotlight: Shruti Agashe, MD, MS
Shruti Agashe, MD, MS, first came to Duke as a biomedical engineering student.
Faculty Spotlight: Jonathan Morena, DO
When Ohio State University launched its neuroscience program just over a decade ago, Jonathan Morena, DO, was one of its first and most enthusiastic enrollee
Faculty Spotlight: Rick Bedlack, MD, PhD
Rick Bedlack’s interest in neurology stretches back to his childhood, when he wondered why rolling down a hill made him dizzy.
Faculty Spotlight: Nandini Abburi, MD
Nandini Abburi, MD, had always found neuroscience interesting, but she was drawn to a career in neurology, and later hospital neurology, when she saw the rol
Faculty Spotlight: Matthew Ehrlich, MD, MPH
Matthew Ehrlich, MD, MPH, got his first exposure to hospital neurology seve
Faculty Spotlight: Marjorie Soltis, MD
Marjorie Soltis, MD, came to Duke in 2016 as a resident, after her neuroscience class and time working with Parkinson’s patient convinced her to pursue neuro